I stopped on my way home from work,
To pick up a few extra things.
A bottle of wine, some tall red candles,
A dessert and vanilla ice cream.
I'm having a guest for Dinner,
And I want everything just right.
I don't want to appear like a beginner,
On this one very special night.
I have the main course cooking,
It simply smells delicious.
The lights are dim, the air is fresh,
I've set out my best china dishes.
He'll be here any minute,
Let me check just one more time.
Maybe a little more garlic in it,
The stew I've made tastes just fine.
I go over to the refrigerator,
And open the freezer door.
It's full of bags of severed meat,
All frozen to the core.
In the center two eyes just stare,
Through a zip locked Glad freezer bag.
They're both looking straight at me,
Surprised and somewhat sad.
I grab some ice, adjust what's there,
Lady fingers, giblets and feet.
I take a quick mental inventory,
Of all the tidbits I still have to eat.
Stuff to make liver with onions,
Fresh soups and kidney stew.
Enough to feed me and my guests,
For another week or two.
I'm really looking forward,
To this evenings special guest.
We met at a bar the weekend before,
He just stood out from all the rest.
He's well traveled and debonair,
A doctor of some sort it seems.
He has a refined elegant air,
And a taste for fava beans.
I hope I don't seem too presumptuous,
Remain calm and self-contained.
I found him to be quite scrumptious.
I would love to pick his brain.
I'm wreathing with anticipation,
Perspiring just a bit.
I have a renewed appreciation,
For how nervous some people get.
Relax, take a breath, it's almost time,
The table's all been set.
Cleaver, pairing and carving knives,
Are as sharp as they can get.
Sterling silver dinnerware,
And a bottle of Chianti wine,
A touch of elegant savior faire,
And some chloroform's just fine.
A car, he's here, another breath,
A quick look in the mirror.
I see myself and I see death,
And embrace it's debt and horror.
The door bell rings, I'm feeling calmer,
The fun's about to begin.
I open the door, hear hello Mr. Dahmer,
Doctor Lechter, won't you please come in.
Copyright © September 2010
Kevin Mooney