I want a life, bereft of strife,
Less worries, pain and sorrow.
A picture-perfect, love affair,
That breaches each tomorrow.
Holidays to dream about,
Season's blessed with with songs.
Family get-togethers that,
Last a lifetime long.
Simple scenes that blend together,
That form life's melody.
Pleasant thoughts that last forever,
A sense of certainty.
I want a life, with a wife,
And a family.
A perfect home, to call my own.
Love and prosperity.
Mental scenes of what life means,
Simple yet sincere.
Snapshots pulled from album screens,
That capture all the years.
I'd like to take my memories,
And place them under glass.
Paint laughs and jokes with warm brush strokes,
Sanctify the past.
As waning years are stained by tears,
They'll comfort and sustain.
All that I've so valued dear,
They'll help to ease the pain.
Yes, I want life memorialized,
To ponder and recall.
A painted mural immortalized,
A book upon a wall.
A treasury of what's happened to me,
Framed to both see and tell.
A collection of lifetime's subtleties,
Like those of Norman Rockwell.
Copyright © July 2010
Kevin Mooney
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